Thursday, November 17, 2011

Rally For Health , 2011

Another very successful clinic at the Ghagandeep tent slum in Marble City. Stayed tuned for pics! Tomorrow the Rally For Health gets back to the road en route to the Balaji temples

Ganthiya Panchayat Bhawan Health camp Inaugurated by Merta city Chief Medical officer Dr RK Tanwar

Grand welcome at Osiyan

Dr Chetan & Dr Adam at Ganthiya

Slum health camp at Kishangarh near Gagandeep theater 

Auto rickshaw 

Dr Robert Montana at Osiyan

Dr Chetan & Ranjit

Inaugural Day

Ready to ride...!

Dr Andrew at Ganthiya, Rajasthan

Dr Tim at Kishangarh 

The Team 

Rally For Health is a professional and cultural exchange between medical care providers from the US and India that brings free mobile clinics to under-serviced areas in India. For added adventure, each team will tackle the back roads of rural India on the country’s most celebrated mode of transport - the auto rickshaw.

We are dedicated to providing medical services to under-serviced areas; educating on an important public health issue, tobacco, and how it can affect people’s health; and raising money for two great NGOs: Doctors For You and Cross Cultural Care (C3), which both provide humanitarian work in the urban slums and rural villages of India and beyond.
Come with us on a unique adventure-with-a-cause from Mumbai to New Delhi. American/Indian medical teams will live, work, and travel together for four weeks as they volunteer their medical services in the slums of Mumbai, take an overnight train to the blue city of Jodhpur, ride camels to a village to offer medical care to the people of Rajasthan, and ride like maniacs on their own auto rickshaws to all points in between.

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